(*You must be 25 years of age or older to apply for a dog.)

Veterinary Care
One of the most important responsibilities a new pet owner has is providing veterinary care for their pet. Booster shots, dental care and good grooming all fall into that category. Make sure you go to a reputable veterinarian who is licensed and recommended. Don’t wait until your pet is “too sick” to take them to see a vet. If your dog is showing abnormal signs like diarrhea, vomiting, constipation or even incontinence those could be signs of a greater problem.
Why choose adoption over purchasing a dog?
Many people don’t really understand why adoption is so important. One of the most common myths about adopting a shelter/rescue dog is that they are unpredictable, untamed and some how less desirable. These thoughts are slowly being overturned with education and information.
Tobie was a Chinese Crested as bald as one could be. He had long thin legs and airplane ears and lived to the age of 18. Not a looker, as Crested’s aren’t, he was born that way from the start. He had bulgy eyes with gangling feet and a face only a mother could love. And that she did his mother Tee, she loved him beyond practicality. So in his honor we named this cause, to give love and life to those with paws.

What is the importance of adoption?
Our organization is dedicated to informing the public about the importance of dog adoption rather than purchasing a dog. Many people believe that adopting a dog is more problematic then buying one. This is not at all the case. Buying a dog, especially from a unknown breeder creates more problems then it solves. disreputable dog breeders “Backyard Breeders” have no regard for the animals health and safety. Often times they are kept in abhorred conditions. Caged for life and only used for money making purposes.
Adopting a dog from a reputable rescue organization can alleviate the mystery behind your dogs past. Although you may still adopt a dog that has come from a hoarding or backyard breeding situation you have the rescue organization that has spent time getting to know, socializing and vetting your new family member